Triumph of Will 🇩🇪🎬
Was a Nazi German propoganda film so striking visually that, despite its vile roots, it inspired countless films since including its parody The Great Dictator and it’s counterargument Frank Capra’s Why We Fight
The film was produced by Nazi fellow traveller Leni Riefenstahl, creator also of Olympia which was featured in Time’s All-Time 100 Movies (alongside Ray & Kubrick). Olympia documented the 1936 Nazi Olympics (where Haiti and Lichtenstein had the same flag) and served to “out dazzle” Leni’s own work Triumph of Will.
Commissioned by effectively the first Propaganda Minister, ‘Dr.’ Goebbels the film amply used The Kuleshov Effect to direct the audience into a specific ‘feeling’ of UltraNationalism